Michigan Minor in Possession MIP Sentencing Options
Michigan Minor in Possession MIP Sentencing Options, Your sentencing options with an MIP depend a lot on whether this is your first, second, or third offense. If you are between the ages of 17 and 21, then you are eligible for the Holmes Youthful Trainee Act. This means you are usually granted a term of probation, […]
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I received a MIP do I have to Tell My Parents Michigan 248-398-7100
No, but in many cases the police will inform them for you. If you are under 18 your parents will be given “actual notice” of the violation within 24 hours. If you are less than 17 years old and have been incarcerated they will be notified immediately. While telling your parents may seem like the […]
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Harassment and Stalking in Michigan
Victim of Harassment and Stalking in Michigan? Hsrassment is a criminal offense in Michigan under the stalking statute which states: 750.411h Stalking; definitions; violation as misdemeanor; penalties; probation; conditions; evidence of continued conduct as rebuttable presumption; additional penalties. Sec. 411h. (1) As used in this section: (c) “Harassment” means conduct directed toward a victim that includes, […]
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Barking Dog Ticket Michigan Lawyer
While your pet may seem like a member of the family, the State sees it as personal property instead. This confers responsibilities on you as the owner. Once of these responsibilities is to prevent your animal from becoming a public nuisance. You may have the right to freedom of speech and expression but your animal […]
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Case Evaluation? | (248) 398-7100 | Free Consultation
One of the most underrated components of a civil case is Case Evaluation. After the initial exchange of pleadings and discovery, each party has an opportunity to present their case to a panel of experts from the legal community who will then assign a monetary value to the Plaintiff’s claims. If the Defendant agrees to […]
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Divorce – Using Mediation to secure a better result | (248) 398-7100
Mediation has a reputation for being time consuming, expensive, and messy. However, in our practice we have seen the exact opposite. You can pay your attorney hourly to communicate back and forth with opposing counsel for months on end, or everyone can sit down in the same room and hash out the issues in a […]
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Reckless Driving versus Careless Driving | 248-398-7100 | Free Consultation
Reckless Driving is a serious misdemeanor that can result in jail time and the suspension of your driving privileges. Careless driving on the other hand is a civil infraction that carries lower penalties. However, it still has ramifications. First, it is three points on your driving record. Once your record has accrued 7 points you […]
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Diversion Options? | (248) 398-7100 | Free Consultation
When a person is charged with a crime, a good Attorney is always trying to think of ways to keep you out of jail, and keep your record clean. 1) Holmes Youthful Trainee Act. (HYTA) This is a Michigan statute for offenders between the ages of 17 and 21. If you are sentenced pursuant to […]
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MDOP Affects Ability to Get Homeowners Insurance
A conviction for Malicious Destruction of Property (MDOP) can affect your ability to get Homeowner’s insurance. Michigan has extensive statutes governing a crime called “malicious destruction of property.” The statutes outline the punishments associated with the destruction of different types of property. Many are very serious, as you may expect they include incarceration, court fees […]
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Drug Seizure Cases
Did you know that if you are carrying significant sums of money and it is determined to be related to the drug trade it may be confiscated? Many travelers carry large amounts of funds for investment purposes, in case of emergency, or for any number of other reasons. However, even a drug dog alert can […]
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