Dog at Large Michigan
If a neighbor or community member signs a complaint to the police stating that your dog is participating in illegal behavior you may be summoned to a show cause hearing. At this hearing you are required to “show cause” why this is not true, or the dog may be put down or confined to your […]
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Hosting Teenage Drinking Parties Furnishing Alcohol to a Minor Michigan
In Michigan it is illegal to provide alcohol to a minor. This duty is incumbent upon servers and bartenders in restaurants, older friends of minors, and even parents. The law requires a diligent search to determine the age of a person you are furnishing alcohol to. Law enforcement may even use sting operations to determine […]
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Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor Michigan
Have you been charged under Michigan Compiled Law § 750.145 – Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor? This charge can come about from hosting a teenage drinking party, or other delinquency. The illegal behavior is outlined in the statute below: 750.145 Minor; contributing to neglect or delinquency. Sec. 145. Contributing to neglect or delinquency […]
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Detroit Loitering Ticket
Have you been cited with a misdemeanor loitering charge under Detroit’s municipal code or that of another city? The ordinance below is Detroit’s ordinance, and an example of what other cities may look like: Sec. 38-1-3. – Loitering—Generally. It shall be unlawful for any person to loiter on any street, sidewalks, overpass or public place. […]
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Obstruction of Justice / False Statements to a Police Officer Michigan
In Michigan, Obstruction of Justice / False Statements to a Police Officer is governed by the following statewide statute: 750.411a False report of crime; violation; penalty; payment of costs by juvenile. Sec. 411a. (1) Except as provided in subsection (2), a person who intentionally makes a false report of the commission of a crime, or […]
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Preliminary Breath Test PBT Refusal Michigan
It is never a good idea to drink and drive. However, if you find yourself in that situation and are pulled over it can be hard to decide how to proceed. You will be offered a Preliminary Breath Test (PBT). If you refuse, it is merely a civil infraction with a fine. The officer will […]
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Estate Planning Lawyer Troy Michigan
Writing your last will and testament is something that always seems to be on the backburner. Everyone knows it SHOULD be done, but few actually are excited about sitting down and getting their affairs in order. However there are several reasons this is very important. First, if you were to suddenly pass away before you […]
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EtG Testing Probation Michigan
If you are on probation or bond, especially if it is for an alcohol or drug related offense, you may be subject to random alcohol testing. Often this will be a standard PBT test, such as the one you may have performed on a roadside sobriety test for example. However, if you are prohibited by […]
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Troy Michigan Debt Settlement Attorneys
Credit Card and Debt Settlements – at Garmo & Kiste, PLC we are proud of the settlements we have been able to get our clients on all sorts of outstanding debts. Here are some of our hall of fame debt settlements results: $197,103.00 settled for $26,000.00 in Oakland County. $100,000.00 settled for $24,000.00 in Oakland County. […]
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When can minors possess alcohol in Michigan
When can minors possess alcohol in Michigan? While minors are generally prohibited from the possession of alcohol, there are a few occasions where it is legal. First, in the course of employment with an employer that is operating pursuant to a properly obtained and maintained liquor license, a minor over the age of 18 may handle […]
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