Understanding Alcohol Related Crime: The Role of Addiction in a Criminal Trial of Licensing Action
Understanding Alcohol Related Crime: If there is one thing that makes Judges scared, it is the idea of having to explain to voter’s why they are perceived as being soft on drunk driving. The result is basically a competition to see who can be the toughest on drinking offenses. A secondary effect, is that in […]
Read MoreHow can i get a Get a DUI/OWI/OWVI/OUI Dismissed?
While everyone who has received a drinking and driving ticket wants to get it dismissed, it is actually an extremely rare occurrence. Especially in Oakland County, the police and prosecutors have convictions down to a science and are unlikely to drop a case unless it is extremely weak. Our office has been successful in defeating […]
Read MoreDomestic Violence Charges in Michigan?
Domestic Violence charges in Michigan? When a domestic argument goes south and the police are called, it is a virtual certainty that one party is going to jail, especially if one or more of the Parties involved have a criminal record, the neighbors are complaining, or the Police have been there before. In some cases […]
Read MorePower of Attorney Requirements Michigan
On May 22, 2012 Governor Snyder signed into Law new updates regulating the form and function of power of attorneys. It made several changes, although the changes will not apply to powers of attorney created before the effective date of October 1, 2012. Some of the most noteworthy changes include: A requirement that attorneys in […]
Read MoreWayne County’s Solutions Oriented Domestic Violence Prevention Court
As part of a larger court of specialized courts such as the Drug Court, or Mental Health Court, Wayne County recently instituted the Wayne County’s Solutions Oriented Domestic Violence Prevention Court. On April 25th, 2011 it heard its first case. Funded by federal grants, the Court is meant to address the larger problem of domestic […]
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35th district court Northville/Plymouth juvenile offenses
Previously juvenile court used to be a strictly rehabilitative venture. The consequences were light and the court had the best interests of the child alone at heart. As it evolved though, it became more of a punitive endeavor, taking the best interest of the public into consideration in sentencing. As a result attorneys began to […]
Read MoreWill An Out Of State Traffic Ticket Affect My License In Michigan?
What Should I Do If I Receive An Out Of State Traffic Ticket? Pleading guilty to a ticket and paying the fines can have very bad consequences and should never be the solution. You should always consult with a traffic defense attorney if you have received a traffic violation in another state just to evaluate […]
Read MoreCharged w/ loitering while in the presence of drugs?
Need a Livonia Criminal Defense Attorney? Charged w/ loitering while in the presence of drugs? Some firms are all talk. At Garmo & Kiste we like to share real life stories of how we were able to help clients. Today after numerous pre-trials and substantial discovery we were able to get a loitering while in […]
Read MoreLeaving the Scene of an Accident, Roseville
The results we got this morning in Roseville District Court are too excited not to share! Our client was charged with a misdemeanor leaving the scene of an accident and a careless driving charge. These are very serious charges carrying possible sentences of 93 days in jail, $500.00 fines, court costs, fees, and even possible […]
Read MorePPO Violation Attorney Michigan
If you have violated a Personal Protection Order, you could be in real trouble. Courts do not take lightly such a violation, and you could very likely end up spending 93 days in jail for contempt of court. PPO’s are often unrealistic, or fail to take into consideration factors such as children in common. However, […]
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