Lady Bird Deed/Quit Claim Deed Michigan Estate Attorney
If you have been putting off getting your estate in order, you may surprised when you find out how easy it can be to make a plan for your affairs. A lady bird deed is an option outside of a traditional will where you can convey property on the condition of your death, without losing […]
Read MoreMichigan Cell Phone Ban Tickets: Governor Snyder Approves Cell-Phone ban for Teenage Drivers
Cell phones and driving have always been controversial. There are those who say it is just like talking to a person in the vehicle, those who argue that Bluetooth technology solves the problem, and those who are in favor of an outright ban. However, the anti-texting and driving bans have proven popular and seem to […]
Read MoreMichigan Driver’s License Restoration Attorney
Pursuant to MCL 257.625, if you get a DUI in another state, have a DUI on your driving record and then move to Michigan, your driver’s license may be suspended for an additional length of time. While this may seem like double jeopardy, driving is a privilege not a right. Especially when moving to a […]
Read MoreNeed a Lake Orion Lawyer? Garmo & Kiste, PLC adds a Lake Orion Satellite Office, Serving North Oakland and Lapeer County
We are excited to announce that we have opened a satellite office space located at 236 S. Broadway St. Lake Orion, MI 48063! Our main office will remain at 240 W. Big Beaver Rd., Troy, MI 48099, and we will be expanding and remodeling this space over the next 3-4 months. This expansion is an […]
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Did you catch us on WOMC this morning?
Our very own Brian Garmo spoke with Bobby and Stacey this morning on the air! We admit we were a little star struck, but Brian proved even lawyers can laugh at themselves. Brian was “guilty as charged” of liking the doughnuts the station was kind enough to provide. We love opportunities like this to let […]
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Holdover Tenants Real Estate Attorney
Are you a landlord do you have tenants who just won’t leave? These “holdover” tenants are at best a nuisance, and at worst depending on your actions could impose a legal obligation to you. Once their lease has expired, if they continue to stay you can treat then as tenants for a new term of […]
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Aggravated Felony Conviction Michigan Immigration Attorney
Another category of offense that can have serious ramifications for your immigration status is an aggravated felony. An aggravated felony is a crime for which you may be imprisoned for a term of more than one year. The categories of crimes included have been expanded several times over the past few years through federal legislation. […]
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Fraudulent Insurance MCL 500.3101 Criminal Charges
In Michigan you are required to carry proof of insurance. The Michigan no-fault statute requires a Michigan driver to have significant insurance and to carry proof of such insurance at all times. Not having insurance at all could affect your eligibility for benefits if you are injured or killed in an accident. In order to […]
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Crimes of Moral Turpitude Michigan Attorney
Crimes can have an effect on your immigration status. Specifically, if you are convicted of a crime of moral turpitude, depending on your current status you may be deported or be nonadmissible to the country going forward. Crimes of moral turpitude are those that are considered bad or evil by their very nature such as […]
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Order of Filiation Michigan Family Lawyer
When a child is born, the father generally signs the birth certificate thus “acknowledging” that he is a legal parent. If this does not happen, at a later date both parents can sign off that he is in fact the father. Additionally, if the mother and father are married there is a rebuttable presumption that […]
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