What should I do if I have a warrant in Michigan? Arguably finding out there is a warrant out for your arrest can be one of the scariest parts of a criminal matter. A Bench warrant is issued by a judge, often to command someone to appear before the judge, with a setting of an amount of bail to be posted. Often a bench warrant is used in lesser matters to encourage the party to appear in court. Often people have never been in trouble before, don’t know what they’re being charged with, and don’t know what to do. While we can only give general advice without knowing the details of any particular case, in general it is best to contact and attorney and make a plan to turn yourself in. Then someone who is experienced in these matters can either get your arraignment waived or accompany you to the arraignment to ensure your rights are protected and have the bench warrant removed. This initial conversation is a good time to find out what the possible long term results of the crime you have been charged with are, and how we can work to mitigate them.
What should I do if I have a warrant in Michigan? You should call Garmo & Kiste, PLC call us at (248) 398-7100 for a free consultation or contact us with a private message.