Michigan could soon have new gun laws:
The residents of Michigan could soon be able to carry a concealed pistol without a permit or completing any gun safety training.
On May 30, 2017, the Michigan House Panel approved, in a 6-4 vote, a package that would basically get rid of the concealed weapons law. The bill still needs to be approved by the full House, the Senate, and Governor Rick Snyder before it can become law.
If this bill becomes the law, it would do away with criminal penalties for people who carry concealed weapons without a permit. Currently, to carry a concealed weapon in Michigan, one must pay $100 for a permit application and fingerprint fee, $115 to renew the permit every four years, and a couple hundred for a gun training class.
Those in support of the bill argue that the concealed weapons permit is essentially a “coat tax” because that gun owner wishes to wear their coat over their gun instead of wearing it openly on their hip. Supporters also argue that no permit or gun training is required for those who openly carry a firearm, so there should not be such a requirement for those who choose to conceal their firearm.
Those who oppose the bill believe that Michigan would be less safe. Opponents are especially concerned because the bill would allow people with certain misdemeanor convictions to carry concealed weapons who are not currently able to receive a permit to do so.
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