Our experienced family law attorneys can help you work through your divorce.
If you are a single parent of minor children you may be wondering what payments you could be required to make or could receive to provide for your children. Payments of this type that cover health care, child care and educational expenses are referred to as child support. Payment of child support is determined and ordered by Circuit Court and may be part of a divorce proceeding.
A person may receive child support if they are the parent or guardian of a minor that lives in the person’s home when one or both of the child’s parents do not live in that home, the child is financially dependent on that person, and a child support order has been issued by a court. There is a formal process you must undergo in order to receive a court order for child support. Once support is ordered, the individual required to pay must do so in a timely manner. An organization called Friend of the Court will enforce the child support order if an individual fails to pay. Friend of the Court may do this in a number of ways including income withholdings, tax refund interceptions, or by bringing an action for civil contempt of court.
If a court has ordered child support to be paid to you and the other parent is withholding these payments, contact Garmo & Kiste, PLC. We are experienced attorneys that have the resources to help you get the money you need to care for your family. For more information about divorce or child support or call Garmo & Kiste, PLC Michigan Child Custody Attorney s at (248) 398-7100 for a free consultation or contact us with a private message.