The Typical Apprehension
While it is commonly assumed that law enforcement officials are lenient when dealing with prostitutes and their customers, this characterization is largely inaccurate. In fact, police departments in many counties and cities, like Macomb County and Roseville set up sting operations for the sole purpose of exposing people that are looking to find a prostitute, we have several clients who are “stung” at the Roseville Redroof inn, and other similar hotel/motels. If this has happened to you call us, we can help.
In its most common form, a female undercover police officer is dispatched to a street normally frequented by prostitutes. When approached by someone interested in a sex act for money, the officer will arrest the person and charge them with solicitation.
Prosecutors in these instances are often aggressive and very willing to take the case to trial.
Have you been ticketed for Prostitution or Solicitation, for questions and to retain Garmo & Kiste, PLC, call us at (248) 398-7100 for a free consultation.
Penalties and Consequences
Most prostitution and solicitation cases are brought under the local ordinance of the municipality in which they occur. A such punishment caries but as with other Misdemeanor charges for first time offenders can include a prison term up to 93 days and/or a fine of up to $500. Three or more offenses constitute a felony which can result in a prison term up to two years and/or a fine of $2,000. In the City of Detroit a first time offense for Offer to Engage the Services of a Prostitute carries a mandatory jail sentence of 45 days. Our law firm has been successfully able to defend against these charges in the 36th District Court and prevent our clients from serving jail time.
Perhaps most unsettling is the prospect of enduring the consequences of a prostitution or solicitation trial. Your reputation can be permanently damaged, your personal relationships will likely become strained or destroyed, and your current and future employment opportunities may be jeopardized.
You should also know a prostitution or solicitation conviction will result in mandatory testing for sexually transmitted diseases and may result in the forfeiture your vehicle if it was involved in the commission of the crime. Additionally, the court may a require you to register as a sex offender under the Michigan Sex Offender Registration Act. Thus anytime an arrest is made for solicitation or prostitution, attorney representation is critically important.
Remember, judges have a tremendous amount of discretion when imposing your punishment. Without us, or another competent attorney, you may say or do the wrong thing, increasing your punishment.
Caught in a Police Sting? Prostitute Solicitation? Need a Dearborn Michigan Criminal Defense Lawyer, let us help you, call us at 248-398-7100 for a free consultation. For this reason, looking for an attorney who practices in the county where you were violated is particularly helpful. That said, we regularly practice in the counties of Oakland, Macomb, Wayne, and Lapeer, Livingston, Washtenaw, Genesee, and St. Clair. For more information about prostitution or solicitation, or to retain Garmo & Kiste, PLC call us at (248) 398-7100 for a free consultation or contact us with a private message.