Ineligibility for Expungement: It is likely you are NOT eligible for an expungment if-
- You have more than one Criminal Conviction. Multiple offenses disqualify you from expungement, whether misdemeanor or felony, or even arising out of the same incident.
- You have been convicted of a violation or an attempted violation of criminal sexual conduct under MCL 750.520c, MCL 750.520d, or MCL 750.520g.
- You have been convicted of a Traffic Offense.
- You have been convicted of a Felony for which the maximum penalty is life in prison.
For more information about cleaning up your criminal record or to retain Garmo & Kiste, PLC call us at (248) 398-7100 for a free consultation or contact us with a private message. Michigan Expungement Law – Michigan Criminal Attorney
Simply because you are ineligible for an expungement, doesn’t mean something can’t be done to correct or clear your criminal record. Our attorneys have tackled many seemingly impossible problems with creative solutions using various court rules, deferrals programs mandated by Michigan Law, and public policy arguments.
Recently one of our attorneys was able to bring a Motion for Relief from Judgment & to Correct a Mistake in Macomb Circuit Court, concerning a ten (10) year old attempted B & E of a Motor Vehicle Felony conviction, where an expungement was not possible due to a misdemeanor conviction arising out of the same occurrence. The Judge granting our client’s request to be resentenced pursuant/under the Holmes Youthful Trainee Act (HYTA), a conviction deferral program which acts like an expungement, the Judge ruling “nunc pro tunc” meaning to retroactively correct an earlier ruling made concerning our client, effectively clearing his criminal record.
Ineligible for an Expungement in Michigan? In need of a creative solution and/or to retain Garmo & Kiste, PLC call us at (248) 398-7100 for a free consultation or contact us with a private message. Michigan Expungement Law – Michigan Criminal Attorney