Recently, at Garmo & Kiste, PLC we have had some success in a new area of practice we opened based on client demand, so if you need a Credit Repair Attorney in Troy Michigan call us. Our client ran a successful out of state business. He had inherited and then sold a house in Detroit, MI. The new owner had owned the house for five years, then defaulted on a utility payment. The Utility company misreported the default on our client’s credit report instead of the new owners. After months of calling the company and trying to resolve the matter on his own, our client became fed up and decided it was time to get an attorney’s office involved. The company was much more responsive when we said we were calling from an attorney’s office and we were able to get the problem resolved quickly.
Need a Credit Repair Attorney in Troy Michigan? Banks and credit agencies have been playing fast and loose with laws and consumers pocket books for years, and many have issued false negative reports on people’s credit reports. This negative feedback can cost you thousands of dollars over time as it will result in higher interest rates and other upcharges. Getting your credit to reflect accurately can be a huge hassle. Let our experienced attorneys handle it for you.
To retain Garmo & Kiste on these or other matters, PLC call us at (248) 398-7100 for a free consultation or contact us with a private message.