Commercial Motor Vehicle License Penalties:
Everyone understands that drinking and driving not only puts yourself and others at risk of serious injury, but it also endangers your ability to have an Operator’s License. The stakes are even higher if you are one of thousands of people that have a commercial motor vehicle license (CMV license), especially if you rely on the CMV License for employment reasons. This may be because Commercial Motor Vehicles (CMVs) are particularly dangerous because they weigh more than 26,000 pounds. (MCL 257.7a)
Your CMV License may be suspended for up to one year if you are convicted of a number of offenses including Operating While Intoxicated and Operating While Visibly Impaired while operating a CMV or even a noncommercial vehicle.
Effectively, any convictions or license suspensions for anything related to a violation while operating a noncommercial vehicle count against the you as if you were operating a commercial motor vehicle at the time the offense occurred. (MCL 257.319b(7)) In fact, if you are convicted or found responsible for a combination of two of these types of offenses, your CMV license can be revoked for life.
This law may seem unfair but there are options available to individuals in these types of situations. For example, under MCL 257.319b(1)(e), if your CMV license was revoked, you may be eligible for reissuance of the CMV license after 10 years.
Many people base their livelihood on having a Commercial Motor Vehicle License. If you have lost or are in danger of losing your CMV License or Operator’s License, Garmo & Kiste, PLC at (248) 398-7100 for a free consultation or contact us with a private message. We’ll discuss your options and help you take the wheel again.
I work for a local transit authority and their is a stop on our fixed route service that crosses a railroad track. My issue is that the track parallels a main road.
We cross the track when entering an apartment complex. When we leave we cross it again but there is not enough room between the track and the road to completely cross. We have to stop at the road because of visibility issues and MCL 257.652. This leaves us stopped on the tracks while waiting for traffic to clear.
Can you tell me if this practice is legal, considering it is on a driveway and not a public street? I personally feel this is a major safety issue since the tracks are still in use.
I have not received a citation, but I am trying to avoid one.