If you have been putting off getting your estate in order, you may surprised when you find out how easy it can be to make a plan for your affairs. A lady bird deed is an option outside of a traditional will where you can convey property on the condition of your death, without losing homestead exemptions, and avoiding probate entirely. This can be a good option for someone who is receiving Medicaid benefits to avoid Medicaid making a claim on your property after you death. The name comes from the fact that Lady Bird Johnson was the recipient of property under this scheme. If you think this type of deed may be a good option for you our experienced attorneys can advise you as how best to draft it to protect you, your family, and your property interests.
There are some other unique estate planning options available to you including a Quit Claim Deed (QCD for short). A quit claim deed is a means to transfer ones interest in property to someone else. There is no warranty of title, so quit claim deeds are often used between family members as gifts, in the case of divorces where one spouse must transfer their interest to the other, and in tax sales. If you think a quit claim deed might be a good option for you and your property, you must consult with an experienced attorney to ensure there are no outstanding issues.
Need a Lady Bird Deed/Quit Claim Deed Michigan Estate Attorney? To retain Garmo & Kiste, PLC call us at (248) 398-7100 for a free consultation or contact us with a private message.